Just like with sucking a big dick, (you can read my article on how to suck a big dick here) there are tips and tricks and things you can do to enhance your blowjob techniques on someone with a lesser-than-average dick.
It’s all about how you take advice and how you perform with it.
My boyfriend doesn’t have a small penis but I have been with men who have been less well-endowed and I have found that just tweaking my techniques have meant explosive orgasms (all over my face!).
Just because the penis is small it doesn’t mean you can’t pull out all of your best moves, it will still feel amazing for the man, whether their penis is big or small and things like deepthroating are so much easier with a small dicks to perform on that you will become a master at blowjobs.
Make sure to also check out my erotic book which is filled with some of my most insane sex stories.
Tips To Take When Sucking A Small Dick
1. Make sure he’s hard and lube up with flavored lube. It’s a lot easier to deepthroat a small dick so use this to your full advantage, every tip you have ever been taught about deepthroating (more advice in my how to suck a big dick article) should be used here.
2. Use your hands and mouth in unison and take his penis fully into your mouth.
3. Don’t forget the tip of the penis, this is one of the most sensitive areas. Lick it, pull it out of your mouth, and focus on it as you use your hands to stimulate his shaft.
4. Take as much of it as you can into your mouth, use being able to deepthroat to your advantage. It feels amazing for them!
How Is It Really Done?
Of course, there is more to sucking a small dick than just putting it in your mouth and hoping for the best. There are techniques, things to avoid, and things to definitely do. Below I put into detail everything you should do in order to make his knees weak.
Tips To Make Him CUM Hard With A Small Penis
I have a few steps I take every time I suck a man with a smaller penis and I’ve listed them below with some pictures that I created.
- Luckily, a small penis means you can deepthroat with ease. To do this take the penis into your mouth and lick the shaft with your tongue as you plunge it down your throat. If you have issues with deepthroating as it causes you to gag, I have found this deep throat spray really helped me to suppress the sensation.
- Deepthroating mimics the sensations of actual sex for men, so try to copy the sensations that you would feel with a vagina. For instance tightening your lips over his shaft, bobbing up and down, slipping the head of his penis in and out of your mouth. and ensuring his penis is nice and wet. Follow just these steps and you will have him in the palm of your hand.
- Don’t ignore the balls! Play with the head of his penis and caress the balls with your dominant hand, gently squeeze and stimulate them to double the pleasure you are delivering. Make sure to also lick and suck on the balls when you can. You can also stimulate the shaft of his penis with your hand, lift up the penis and suck his balls whilst wan**** him off. It’s just a simple tip that will make him think you’re a blowjob expert.
- Get yourself off when you’re getting him off when you are sucking his cock. Play with yourself and enjoy mutual orgasms, not only is this incredibly hot but it also solves the issue of maybe not being able to orgasm through penetration. This bullet vibrator has been my go-to orgasm machine for months now. It’s easy to hold on to your clit as you blow him, it also adds a little more kink to the scenario and he will most likely get off to you getting off.
- Use your hand and give him a ‘handjob’ whilst your tongue stimulates the head of his penis. This feels great for him and will make you seem like an absolute blowjob legend. Also, make sure to do this if your jaw is getting sore from blowing him, it’s a welcome break from all of the bobbing up and down and is a technique everyone should know.
- Deepthroating feels GREAT but it can also get tiresome for you and your jaw, something you also need to focus on is the tip of the penis. Come up for air now and again when you’re deepthroating and focus solely on the tip of his penis using your tongue to swirl around the tip. This is just reinforcing my previous tip, the head of the penis is really sensitive, and going between the head and the shaft is awesome.
- Make sure to keep yourself and him in positions where you can feel him more. This goes for sex rather than blowjobs, but keep your legs together so that you can feel him inside of you. All men with small penises should be aware of this technique, hold your legs together as he thrusts inside of you.
Things To Avoid
– Don’t ever laugh at his penis, especially if you know he is sensitive about the size. This can create a huge complex for him, especially if you aren’t in a relationship.
– Make sure to talk about his penis, don’t act as if it’s the biggest penis you have ever seen.– If you’re at a point where you’re both comfortable, talk about it. It may help him to feel more comfortable and he may even let you know what feels good for him.
– Make sure to ask before touching his butt hole. This goes for anyone really.
– If he does open up about his penis, ask him what he enjoys. You may find he hates deepthroating or ball play, see how you can please him so you can give him the best blowjob of his existence.
– Don’t overcompensate and ignore the fact that he has a small penis but also make sure to not mention it so much that it begins a little awkward. Just quietly acknowledge it.
Sex Toys You Can Use
If you’re in a relationship with a guy who has a small dick or even if you’re just actively sleeping with someone who has a small package, you can make your sex sessions that step better by using varying sex toys and sex essentials.
This is my favorite flavored lube. Make sure to stock up on different tubes of flavored lubrication, sucking any dick is more fun with flavored lube but because deepthroating is so easy with smaller dicks, you’re going to want to stock up. If you remember my earlier tip I mentioned that deepthroating mimics the sensations of sex for men so by getting the dick as lubed up as possible you are making it feel incredible for him and the tasty lube is just a bonus for you!
This won’t be for everyone but if you are in a relationship with someone who does have a small penis, consider trying out this penis extenders. It just gives you both the chance to try something new and experience new pleasures. I did a whole review and detailed talk about this penis extender in this article if you want to know a little more about what it did for my relationship make sure to read it.
This penis extender is just easily slipped over the dick and balls, you then just continue with your sex as you normally would but it feels great for most women as your G-spot is stimulated and it’s great to experience something new. Something me and my partner did was roleplay a threesome scenario, something I recommend to everyone.
I mentioned this deep throat spray earlier on in the article and it all depends on the person who is doing the dick sucking. Some people prefer smaller penises because they hate to gag when giving blowjobs but some people still can’t help it regardless of the size of their penis. If you do suffer from a terrible gag reflex, regardless of the size of his penis I really recommend using some deep throat spray. It numbs your throat for a while so you can enjoy some dick sucking without the gagging.
You just apply a few sprays to the back of your throat and after a few moments you will feel your throat start to numb, this lasts around 10 minutes and allows you to really go to town on his dick without worrying about the gagging. I keep this in my bedside cabinet and if I ever need to re-spray (not often as he cums so quickly when I use my best dick-sucking moves), then it is really easy to just lean over and spray it into my mouth.
This cock ring gives you a harder and potentially longer erection, this may help make your blowjob and sex even better. The cock ring stimulates the blood flow and can help create longer, harder, and more erect penises when worn.
They are really easy to slip on, they are not uncomfortable and they do work. It may not be ideal for blowjobs depending on the size of his penis but if it can slip on and you still have enough penis to work with, it will make his erection much harder and his orgasm will feel 10x better thanks to the increased blood flow.
Both men with big and small penises can benefit from a cock ring, especially during sex. Just like with the penis extender it’s a less intrusive way to extend the size of the penis and roleplay new and different scenarios in the bedroom. I love cock rings and so does my boyfriend, if you haven’t tried one make sure you do as it really does change the penis!
Lastly, I wanted to mention this butt plugs. Talk to your partner first beforehand as not everyone is up for butt fun and stimulation but when I say that butt plugs can take a blowjob from a 6 to a 10 in a matter of seconds, I am not exaggerating. Every man I have ever tried a butt plug on is so disappointed that they have never tried it sooner.
Men have a spot similar to the G-spot in women and it is located in their anus, if you can stimulate this he will cum like he has never cum before. This magical spot is called the P-spot and when stimulated it is like an explosion goes off and erupts inside of his penis.
This butt plug has 10 functions to flick through that you can easily control via the push button on the base of the buttplug. Apply plenty of water-based lube and slip this bad boy in when your partner is ready and just watch the incredible orgasms that follow.
I’m Jess and I’m a woman in my twenties. I created this blog to share my sexual experiences along with the experiences of people from all walks of life. I am actually quite introverted, but my boyfriend and I have a semi-open relationship and it’s really helped me open up and experience things I never thought I would and that’s one of the biggest reasons I created this. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy writing for it. Read more about me.
Like to learn more. For better sex
Loving this site and I need more info!
I love these. They help me actually be able to do more stuff
Cool to be able to read and experience real things of life. I’m not a weirdo by no means. I do enjoy like you guys do, I feed off off of them I guess. So what! It’s all
good.?love makes life beautiful ♡
Loved this made me and my boyfriend finally be able to satisfy eachother when sucking eachothers small cocks!!!??
this site is amazing!
I love sucking cock ?Lol thanks for the tips!
Just curious
Does small cock turn you on as much as a big cock?
No it doesn’t its a huge turn off unless the guy is experimental and comfortable with his size. That’s when it gets fun.
I really like a small one
Which sizes are turnoffs and which ones are turn ons?
I’ve never had a bj and I got a ten inch dick ladies
Very interested in your article. I’m going to try out a penis extender
good tips
Thank you so much <3
I would love to learn how
there’s only one way to learn, and that’s by doing it.
Right Jamie …keep using these tips
I’m a tranny and my last man said I’m the best he has ever had after his fourth explosion in 1 hour. I’m a pro thanks to your tips
I’m looking for a man who has a small dick to be my first time ever wanting to try sucking a small dick I’ve only got a small dick myself it’s a 4 inches uncut dick and I’ve been looking for one but I can not find a man who has smaller dick I love a good blow job from a man or woman I need a regular buddy for oral sex giving and receiving must be a little dick cut or uncut doesn’t matter as long as we both cum together
I have a shaved dick & balls I’ve also wanted to suck a small dick never have done it, and love to ware panties and like to taste precum